Wednesday, July 27, 2011

bags, bags and more bags...?

just bought a skirt + a handbag (both in one listing) off ebay.

well, that was actually 2 days ago.

but an hour ago, i purchased another bag, even though my mum banned me from buying any more bags...

and i am currently not working, so i will be broke/in debt to my mum rather soon, i think. i really want to work again, because i'm spending money on magazines and stuff off ebay. and i also need about $60 if i want to sign up for a one year subscription to SHOP till you drop.

i also just cleaned up my table/room recently, organising things...and i have no idea where i put my last [cash] payment from work. ugh. sometimes cleaning can be such an inconvenient pain in the bum.

i mean, i knew exactly where that envelope was before i cleaned my room, but just seems to have disappeared into thin air.

also, i was supposed to bring my french booklet home tonight to do my homework, but i accidentally brought home the wrong booklet because my locker is full of random books + sheets, and my sheets are also stuffed into different books...

gawd donut.

i am so careless; i didn't even check if it was the right booklet.

anyways, i'm wearing my contacts right now, so i'm trying to type up the second part of this post with my eyes closed so that they don't stuff up again. i have made about 7 mistakes, but that's pretty good, considering my typing skills.

i am now tired enough to go to sleep. it's 11:30: an hour earlier than usual. if i keep this up, i can get my sleeping pattern back on track within a few days (sooner than i expected). ← typed that paragraph with my eyes closed. NO MISTAKES. woohoo. :)

toodles my poodles...goodnight. sweet dreams & so long. until next time (probably a week or two).

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