Sunday, September 25, 2011


obviously, it's been a while. sorry.

term 3 has finished and it's spring holidays. :)

no more tunics because we're awesome and sister is currently downloading doctor who and i am listening to my ipod on random. i constantly think that today is a saturday or monday BUT it's really sunday. silly me.

oh yes. i am also telling everyone (multiple times) about my 19/20 essay on to kill a mockingbird. really, for me, a 19/20 is rare and does wonders for my essay confidence. :DDD usually i get really crappy for essays but WOO! :3

how exciting.

also, if anyone is going to the city on tuesday (between 8am-4pm), drop by martin place; there will be free manicures! i wish i could go. (as someone who likes free stuff, this would be a good thing.)

right now, i am listening to at the beginning - richard marx & donna lewis. this song is beautiful and i will always love it. :') it's on the anastasia soundtrack.

i have been lazing around for the entire day and now i feel like sewing something. i also want to get a subscription to shop til you drop. :((( my mum probably won't let me, even though it's one of my favourite magazines. boohoohoo...

so anyway, i really need to pee.

'til next time folks!

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