Monday, July 4, 2011

it really has been a while.

hah. it's been so long. :)

well, just an update:
  • wimbledon is making me sad/has made me sad
  • had an awesome dream 2 nights ago & hoping to have another one ;)
  • shopping tomorrow with my besties :')) i love shopping
  • need more batteries for my camera
  • i have spent quite a long time playing donkey kong on wii
  • been playing my sister's nintendo 64
  • i also plan to start doing some sewing/making/fixing of clothes, etc
and yes, i have been playing taylor swift loudly in my room and singing along. how did you guess?

the wind is blowing/whistling past my window. it's making me feel cold.

AND I ALSO NEED TO GET SIMPLE PLAN'S NEW ALBUM. it's not my fault i haven't been shopping. :(

toodles, my dears.

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