Monday, September 27, 2010



i'm going camping this friday-tuesday at nelson's bay, i think. :) this week's going to be kinda busy. except for tomorrow. i still get tomorrow as a lazy day, so i'll think do some baking. and video-ing.

you see, gloriana has inspired me. when things inspire me, they tend to be short-lived, so i should do it soon, or i'll lose interest, me being the weirdo i am.

gack. i'm still not sure how to do the marshmallow-centred-muffins. :(

oh well, so tomorrow will be a lazy day, wednesday shall be shopping (at westfield, for dvds, cds, food and swimwear! i need a new swimming costume. bleck), thursday shall be packing, then the actual camping for 5 days. that's right 5 days. like, my phone's going to die.

but at least there's a beach, so we can go swimming. and i need to bring my camera. and spare batteries. lots of spare batteries. hahaha.

and i'm between 1/4 and 1/3 of the way through harry potter and the half-blood prince, which i ave to finish by thursday so i can read DH while camping, because HBP is not mine, but DH is my copy and not nikki's so i can do whatever i want with it. :D

farewell for now, kiddies!

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