Monday, October 18, 2010


i have just spent another [approximately] $70 on threadless...what's wrong with me???

i bought one hoodie and three shirts...i really need to stop spending.

bleh bleh bleh. :/

oh yes, and i still haven't done my camp video...i know, i know! i'm sorry! i've been busy: on saturday, i had work and then i had to go to my cousin's house, and sunday i was cleaning. yes. cleaning.

incidentally, i need to tell you people something. when i went to my cousin's house, we, that is to say, me and my sisters, saw a lump of brown stuff in the park near julie's house. we went to investigate. it turned out to be nothing more than a small fuzzy pony owned by a 40-something year old women (i estimate). she also had a dog called spud. spud was very cute.

yes, so, the woman talked to us...she said she had MS - multiple sclerosis - and she said the pony got her walking about everyday, which was good. so the pony was quite small; it reached just above my hip...

the pony was adorable! :)

yes, she was a very nice woman, and she said she kept the pony in the backyard and she said she had noticed how we had come out of number 21, and she said she used to live there...

after, she had to leave, so we said our goodbyes and left. she was a very nice lady, and the pony and spud were cute. :)


by the way, it's almost dinnertime...i've also noticed that friends started 7 minutes ago, so i'm late.

(friends is on channel 90 - gem - at 6:30, weeknights, for those who are curious)

bye everybody, i shall see you later.

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