Monday, September 27, 2010



i'm going camping this friday-tuesday at nelson's bay, i think. :) this week's going to be kinda busy. except for tomorrow. i still get tomorrow as a lazy day, so i'll think do some baking. and video-ing.

you see, gloriana has inspired me. when things inspire me, they tend to be short-lived, so i should do it soon, or i'll lose interest, me being the weirdo i am.

gack. i'm still not sure how to do the marshmallow-centred-muffins. :(

oh well, so tomorrow will be a lazy day, wednesday shall be shopping (at westfield, for dvds, cds, food and swimwear! i need a new swimming costume. bleck), thursday shall be packing, then the actual camping for 5 days. that's right 5 days. like, my phone's going to die.

but at least there's a beach, so we can go swimming. and i need to bring my camera. and spare batteries. lots of spare batteries. hahaha.

and i'm between 1/4 and 1/3 of the way through harry potter and the half-blood prince, which i ave to finish by thursday so i can read DH while camping, because HBP is not mine, but DH is my copy and not nikki's so i can do whatever i want with it. :D

farewell for now, kiddies!

Saturday, September 25, 2010


oh you know, on friday night, i was crying. yes. crying.

why you ask?


i was so sad. and i kept crying.

i was reading harry potter and the order of the phoenix, if you didn't catch my drift.

anyway, i just kept crying. it was so sad.


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

from jo's blog.

Step 1: Put your music player on shuffle.
Step 2: Post the first two lines from the first 25 songs that play, no matter how embarrassing it is.
Step 3: Strike the songs when someone guesses both artist and track correctly.
Step 4: Looking them up on Google or any other search engine is CHEATING!

ready, set, here we go! :D

1. "What you see's not what you get,
With you there's just no measurement..."

"You're on the phone with your girlfriend, she's upset,
She's goin' off about something that you said..."

3. "Are you ready?
If you ain't got no money, take your broke ass home..."

4. "You look so beautiful today,
When you're sitting there it's hard for me to look away..."

5. "Back to the street where we began,
Feeling as good as lovers can..."

6. "When she was twenty-two,
Her future looked bright..."

7. "Close your eyes, give me your hand, darling,
Do you feel my heart beating; do you understand?"

8. "I won't hurt you, I'll protect you,
I won't let the rain fall down; I'll always be around..."

"Head underwater, and they told me
To breathe easy, for a while..."

10. "I'm lyin' here, on the floor
Where you left me; I think I took too much..."

"Uh huh, life's like this,
Uh huh, uh huh, that's the way it is..."

"Friday night beneath the stars,
In a field behind your yard..."

"I am an arms dealer, fitting you with
Weapons in the form of words..."

"I asked her to stay,
But she wouldn't listen..."

15. "From underneath the trees, we watch the sky,
Confusing stars for satellites..."

"You take a deep breath, and you walk through the doors,
It's the morning of your very first day..."

17. "Oooh, yeah,
Was just the other day, when you said to me..."

18. "Wake up with blood-shot eyes,
Struggle to memorise..."

"And it's a sad picture,
The final blows hits you..."

20. "Turn up the music,
Let's get out on the floor..."

21. "Tell me what's wrong with society,
When everywhere I look I see..."

22. "I speak fast, and I'm not going to repeat myself,

23. "Ain't no headlights on the road tonight,
Everybody here is sleepin' tight..."

"I'm still alive but I'm barely breathing,
Just prayin' to a god I don't believe in..."

"We have the chance to turn the pages over,
We can write what we wanna write..."


oh man...someone help me...i'm dying...

online shopping has trapped me. help me get out. please.

i really want these tees from threadless.

gack. gnhuesifnejiughvds.

oh, you know what? too late. you can't save me now!

i already bought the damn shirts.

now i feel bad. as in, really bad. gackaroos.

anyways, see y'all later.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

i'm yours.

well, i found this on one of my old posts. heh. let's try this again, shall we?


1. Put Your iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc., on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. Put any comments in brackets.
5. Post this in your profile.

1. If someone says, "Is this okay?" You say?
Change Your Mind - The All-American Rejects

2. How would you describe yourself?
Should've Said No - Taylor Swift

3. What do you like in a guy/girl?
Stay Beautiful - Taylor Swift

4. How do you feel today?
The Wind Blows - The All-American Rejects

5. What is your life's purpose?
Beautiful Disaster - Kelly Clarkson

6. What is your motto?
Won't Go Home Without You - Maroon 5

7. What do your friends think of you?
In Love Again - Rogue Traders

8. What do you think of your parents?
Untouchable - Taylor Swift (OOOH.)

9. What do you think about very often?
Where is the Love - The Black Eyed Peas

10. What is 2 + 2?
Fall For You - Secondhand Serenade

11. What do you think of your best friend?
Big Girls Don't Cry - Fergie

12. What do you think of the person you like?
Lost Without You - Delta Goodrem

13. What is your life story?
Gone - Kelly Clarkson

14. What do you want to be when you grow up?
This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race - Fall Out Boy

15. What do you think of when you see the person you like?
I Can Wait Forever - Simple Plan

16. What will you dance to at your wedding?
Together We are One - Delta Goodrem

17. What will they play at your funeral?
It's Too Late - Evermore

18. What is your hobby/interest?
If Everyone Cared - Nickelback

19. What is your biggest fear?
Me Against the World - Simple Plan

20. What is your biggest secret?
I'm Only Me when I'm with You - Taylor Swift

21. What do you think of your friends?
Hello Goodbye - The Beatles

22. What will you post this as?
I'm Yours - Jason Mraz


i'm real hungry. for pie. for pasta. for cake. for chocolate. for crumble. for cheesecake. for biscuits. for pho (i can't be bothered with the accent right now). for chicken. for ice cream. for steak. for chips. for lamb. for beef.

typing all that out has made me exceptionally hungry.

good thing i've got pasta for dinner.
