Sunday, June 6, 2010

half yearlies

aren't you guys all glad that half yearly exams are over? i'm not.

aren't you sad that you're going to get homework again? i mean, seriously. who likes homework? if you do, i'm probably not your friend. :D

anyway, daphne's back from china. she came back on friday. i'm so excited. i haven't seen her in AGES. :D YAY.

oh yes, and all during exam week, it was so gloomy. so rainy. so wet. and then, on saturday, i was counting on it being wet so i wouldn't have to go to netball. i'd missed out on the last two weeks because it was wet. so, on saturday, netball wasn't cancelled. it was a tiny bit wet. but the courts were still playable.

i only got a half-game. oh yes, it was also a split game. we versed monty for the first two quarters, and then we played mcc for the last two quarters. i was goal keeper for the first two quarters (the monty game). then i was off for the mcc game. even though i was captain. :O i know.
who cares, though? i don't think you care about my netball game. ;P

anyways, half yearlies were okay. it's just that i got my chinese test back. i got 86%. i'm still not sure if that's good or bad, seeing as i got 60.5 out of 70. oh wello jello.

hopefully i didn't fail any subjects. ;)

bye. :D