Thursday, March 4, 2010

long time, no see.

sorry guys. it's been a long time since i've written anything. :L

so yeah. well first of all, my poor baby has been taken away from me!

well, my "baby" is really my laptop.

it broke. as in one of the clicky things broke and the mousepad can't click at all. -sigh-

i have to wait 2 whole weeks for my baby to get given back to me. :'( so sad...

okay, to glo, annie, jo and daphne (i'm not sure if you have a blog or are looking at this) i'm going to try to find my socks. (: my fluffy pink socks...i can't find them. nothing is coming to me.

you guys know what that means...anyways...

i'm listening to some taylor swift on my phone - as usual. i'm so totally bored. (:

i should be doing homework...

i'll just make a list here of my homework so i don't forget:


wow. when i type it all out, it seems like so much more. only 5 of those things are due tomorrow. hehe, only 5.

and to daph, annie, jo and glo, we need to organise something for the holidays. :D

and yeah...I HAVE TO GO TO CHATSWOOD TOMORROW. -cry- dayum. i don't want to go.

i'm going to try and look for my socks again. maybe something will give me some inspiration in uh...finding my socks.

cy'all later. Rach xxx